Monday, 16 November 2015

Learning To Construct Compound Sentences.

I found this activity ...easy becse  i  was reading it in my head.
My next step with constructing compound sentences is to try and put these sentences in my story.

Thursday, 3 September 2015

Learning to compare using similes.

We are learning to compare two things using similes.
I found this activity a little bit tricky to find the words and ideas.
My next step with using similes is to understand what a simile is.

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Learning To Use Equal Sharing With Equations.

I found this activity easy/tricky because...easy  because  it  was  easy  to the  maths.
My next steps with equal sharing is to .. try to do it faster.

Learning to Use Equal Sharing.

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

My Welcome Post

Welcome to my year three learning blog. This year I am in Room 16 and my teacher is Miss B-C. I enjoy Daily 5. This year I am looking forward to art.